
Kommentare zum Namen Meike

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Schattenbild Community-Mitglied ohne Profilfoto
Kommentar vom 25.07.2010 13:21
Hi, my joungest daughter is called Meike, I like this name so much that I'm collecting birth announcementcards with this beautiful name! I noticed in Germany the name is used also, even in shops I found some notebooks and keyholders with the name Meike, we don't have these in Holland. So, if anyone has a birthannouncementcard of a girl named Meike, I would be very happy if you would send it to me!!!
please contact me by e-mail, of course I'm willing to pay the postal charge! kind regards< Maria (sorry for not reacting in German, my knowledge of the German language is not sufficient to send a decent mail though I can understand it so you may write me in German)

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