
33446 Hebammenantworten zu Schwangerschaft, Geburt & Baby

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"Langer Zyklus nach FG"

Schattenbild Community-Mitglied ohne Profilfoto Anonym
Kommentar vom 09.10.2024 04:09
After a miscarriage, the body needs a few cycles to stabilize. Symptoms could indicate either pregnancy or an impending period. Waiting about 40 days is advisable; if nothing happens, consult a gynecologist. Tests are reliable but not conclusive. Late ovulation or skipped cycles may delay periods, or it could be an early pregnancy with low HCG levels. Patience is key; consider a doctor's visit for clarity. Best wishes.

<a href="">Monkey Mart</a>
Schattenbild Community-Mitglied ohne Profilfoto Anonym
Kommentar vom 09.10.2024 04:10
After a miscarriage, the body needs a few cycles to stabilize. Symptoms could indicate either pregnancy or an impending period. Waiting about 40 days is advisable; if nothing happens, consult a gynecologist. Tests are reliable but not conclusive. Late ovulation or skipped cycles may delay periods, or it could be an early pregnancy with low HCG levels. Patience is key; consider a doctor's visit for clarity. Best wishes.

[Monkey Mart](

[url=]Monkey Mart[/url]

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