Who speak english i need help

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  • Schattenbild Community-Mitglied ohne Profilfoto
    Eintrag vom 11.02.2018 20:09
    Hallo!!!i am new in germany and i dont speak german...i have problem with my tubs i make an ivf this month but it is negative i have so much money and i dont know if i can make an ivf in a greece i can but i dont know here in germany!!!ecept from kinderwunsch i have hope???
  • Schattenbild Community-Mitglied ohne Profilfoto
    Kommentar vom 11.02.2018 20:16
    I dont have so much money i mean i make a mistake!!!
  • Schattenbild Community-Mitglied ohne Profilfoto
    Kommentar vom 11.02.2018 21:04
    Hi Margaritha,

    I am not sure if I understood right. If you are married and you have a health insurance (gesetzliche Krankenkasse)..., it can be that IVF will be paid. You should ask your health insurance.
  • Profilfoto  Frexy
    Kommentar vom 11.02.2018 21:54

    you have to speak with your Doktor.
    If she or he agrees with you in your opinion that you need helf
  • Profilfoto  Frexy
    Kommentar vom 11.02.2018 22:02

    you have to speak with your Doktor.
    If she or he agrees with you in your opinion that you need help and if you are married to a man he will send you to a Doktor who could help you. But you HAVE to have a husband and you must have to be in the heathcare System from state. Than, if you are in the right age and also your husband is, and if there is a realistic chance for you to becom pregnant it will be paid for you.
    If you are in a private heathcare you should contact them and ask them dirket if they, and under which circumstances will pay.
    I wish you good luck!
    Please excuse my bad english. I hope you could understand me.
  • Profilfoto  Frexy
    Kommentar vom 11.02.2018 22:03

    you have to speak with your Doktor.
    If she or he agrees with you in your opinion that you need help and if you are married to a man he will send you to a Doktor who could help you. But you HAVE to have a husband and you must have to be in the heathcare System from state. Than, if you are in the right age and also your husband is, and if there is a realistic chance for you to becom pregnant it will be paid for you.
    If you are in a private heathcare you should contact them and ask them dirket if they, and under which circumstances will pay.
    I wish you good luck!
    Please excuse my bad english. I hope you could understand me.
  • Schattenbild Community-Mitglied ohne Profilfoto
    Kommentar vom 12.02.2018 20:57
    Hi aok pays only the half not all the price 🙁🙁🙁do you think i have to go to another isurance???
  • Schattenbild Community-Mitglied ohne Profilfoto
    Kommentar vom 12.02.2018 20:59
    Hi thank you for your answer i am married and insurance pays only the half price i have letters that i cant become pregnat i do a laparoskopie here in germany!!!
  • Schattenbild Community-Mitglied ohne Profilfoto
    Kommentar vom 20.11.2023 17:46
    Did you try to use modern <a href="">translator</a>?
  • Schattenbild Community-Mitglied ohne Profilfoto
    Kommentar vom 20.11.2023 17:47
    And what abou this link - [url=]here[/url]

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